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What is CRM and why is it important for your small business

What is CRM and Why is it Important for your Small Business?

CRM has become the world’s leading software market because of its immense popularity and effectiveness in boosting ROI (Return on investment). Are you a small business wondering what CRM is and where to start? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! 91% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use CRM systems to enhance business relationships. We have written this article to guide you through the basics and explain why CRM is important for your business.

Firstly, what is CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. At its core, CRM is a strategy and technology that helps businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers. 

A CRM system manages and stores every interaction and touchpoint between your business and customers in one easy-to-view central location. Marketing, Sales, Account Management, Support… all operational from one, or collective group of systems. 

All this data provides a 360-degree picture of your customers’ needs, interests, and pain points, which allows you to improve their experience and streamline your internal processes. In plain English, it means a quicker and smoother end-to-end journey from initial interest to purchase and retention. 

Why is CRM important for small businesses?

All businesses want to build stronger relationships with their customers. CRM is a way to help with this through tracking, organisation, personalised communication and great customer service. If you think about the companies you love to shop with, what is it you love about them most? Why are you loyal to them? Chances are, it is the ability they understand your needs! A CRM can provide you with insights into your customers, allowing you to deliver tailored experiences and achieve long-term loyalty. Here are some points to consider that we have broken down for you as to why it is important. 

Improved Customer Relationships

CRM systems keep detailed records of all customer interactions, allowing personalised communication and stronger relationships. This leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Enhanced Efficiency

CRM systems automate tasks like follow-ups and scheduling, saving time and reducing errors. Centralised data gives all team members up-to-date information, improving collaboration and productivity.

Increased Sales

It will help you track leads, identify sales opportunities, and provide actionable insights for closing deals. The detailed analytics a CRM system can provide highlight customer trends, allowing you to tailor your sales strategies effectively.

Better Customer Retention

CRM systems make retaining customers easier and more cost-effective than acquiring new ones by automating reminders and follow-ups, helping maintain strong, long-term relationships 

Scalable Growth

As your business grows, CRM systems scale to manage more data and interactions, ensuring continued excellent service.

How CRM Benefits Small Businesses

Benefits of CRM for Small BusinessesDescription
Centralised DataAll customer interactions and data are stored in one place
AutomationAutomates repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing errors
Sales Pipeline ManagementTracks lead and sales opportunities, providing insights for better sales management
Customer InsightsAnalyses customer data to reveal trends and opportunities
Improved CommunicationPersonalise communication, enhancing customer satisfaction
Enhanced CollaborationEnsures all team members have access to the latest customer information
ScalabilityAdapts to the growing needs of the business, handling more data and customers efficiently
Cost-Effective RetentionIt helps maintain relationships with existing customers, which is often cheaper than acquiring new ones

Choosing the Right CRM for Your Small Business

When looking at different CRM platforms, we recommend exploring as many as possible! There are so many different ones out there, it can be a whirlwind but we have the experience and expertise to help you choose, below are some of the systems we are proud to partner with and carry a certification in.

Choosing the best marketing and sales software for your business is no easy feat. If you’ve been tearing your hair out while searching for solutions online, rest assured you’re not alone. Here’s an article we wrote earlier about how to choose the best sales or marketing software for your business. This should help you at the start of your journey. 

Unsure of where to begin? Dive into our series of service pages featuring the top CRM and ESP platforms. These pages outline the unique benefits of each platform and offer insightful comparisons, helping you identify the best fit for your needs.

Getting started with CRM 

CRM isn’t that scary, we promise. What is it you want to achieve? Is it improving customer relationships? Would you like your processes to be streamlined? Be the champion at sales? Having clear objectives and identifying your goals will help you when selecting the right CRM platform. 

Take a look at your existing sales, marketing and customer service processes, can things be improved? Look at where CRM can add value and what features you need. 

If you need support WeDoCRM is a leading specialist in CRM, MarTech migration and implementation, and Multi-channel Customer Marketing support. We work internally with CRM teams and businesses around the world, helping them run high-performance CRM operations that drive recurring, sustainable revenue. Lets chat.

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